I have worked on projects primarily focused on real estate that offers high degrees of desirability for location and vast sizes.
Projects have included recreational campgrounds, national forest images, mountain side vacation rentals, 150+ acre farms, and traditional aerial housing photography.
Previous projects include close up and tight quarter maneuvers in wooded locations for proper angles and full fly arounds.
I use a DJI Phantom 4 professional model drone. This drone offers object tracking, circle around a point imaging, self stabilizing flight controls, built in limitations for legal compliance, and a variety of additional autopilot functions to optimize user abilities.
All video and imaging is done in 4K quality for premium results.
I can navigate this drone in close quarters since the built in sensors prevent most collisions in flight.
Battery life runs in excess of 20-25 mins safely and with 3 batteries I can offer an hour of functional use time at job sites.
Inspections can be completed in real time in hard to reach areas, over water to an extend, and up to 400’ AGL (per laws) Additional waivers can be applied for from the FAA to authorize flights up to 1000+ feet if needed.