Complan Group was first established in the 1980’s to serve the fast-growing oil and gas industry in the North Sea. Being first on the market with a proven solution and a state of the art Windows Completions System (WinPCS), Complan had much success in Norway and Holland, and completed one of the largest projects to date in Saudi Arabia in the early 90’s. Since inception, Complan's project experience is strong and diverse, spanning nearly every continent with a host of large-scale industries, including some of the world´s largest mega projects and now has locations in Norway, United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, USA, Malaysia, and Brazil. Now at Complan USA we are expanding our services in order to provide a bird's eye view to any part of your project, process or property. Our drones and drone pilots are registered with the FAA, have met all of the requirements to pass the FAA Part 107 exam and are licensed to fly remote sUAS'.